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Cloud Service

about us
Best For You

Cloud & Big Data

Comprehensive suite of global cloud computing serivce to help power and grow your business

SC Compute

Manage your computing server in building applications flexibly. Equipped with memory-optimized options to meet the needs of industries with large-scale computing.

SC Storage

Consists of Block Storage which has fast and safe performance standards, and Object Storage which has compatibility with S3 industry standards.

Our Services

Let’s Check Our Services

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The infrastructure with the best hardware performance that will improve applications that run very quickly.

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We prevent access in and out without your permission and knowledge, we can guarantee that your data is very safe.

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You can choose the SC Compute that has been provided or you can choose a Custom Server for very flexible and easy.

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Massive Scalability

Our engineers will architect a Cloud solution that meets your needs today while scaling to accommodate your needs for years to come.

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Openstack Technology

Openstack is an open source software that allows for the deployment and management of a cloud infrastructure as a service (IaaS) platform. OpenStack supports both private and public cloud deployments.